Results for 'Jacques Dubucs, Dubucs'

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  1. New Perspectives on the Philosophy of Paul Benacerraf: Truth, Objects, Infinity (Fabrice Pataut, Editor).Fabrice Pataut Jody Azzouni, Paul Benacerraf Justin Clarke-Doane, Jacques Dubucs Sébastien Gandon, Brice Halimi Jon Perez Laraudogoitia, Mary Leng Ana Leon-Mejia, Antonio Leon-Sanchez Marco Panza, Fabrice Pataut Philippe de Rouilhan & Andrea Sereni Stuart Shapiro - 2017 - Springer.
  2.  58
    Radical anti-realism and substructural logics.Jacques Dubucs & Mathieu Marion - 2003 - In A. Rojszczak, J. Cachro & G. Kurczewski (eds.), Philosophical Dimensions of Logic and Science. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 235--249.
    According to the realist, the meaning of a declarative, non-indexical sentence is the condition under which it is true and the truth-condition of an undecidable sentence can obtain or fail to obtain independently of our capacity, even in principle, to recognize that it obtains or that fails to do so.1 In a series of papers, beginning with “Truth” in 1959, Michael Dummett challenged the position that the classical notion of truth-condition occupied as the central notion of a theory of meaning, (...)
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    Philosophy of Probability.Jacques Dubucs (ed.) - 1993 - Kluwer, Dordrecht.
    Philosophy of Probability provides a comprehensive introduction to theoretical issues that occupy a central position in disciplines ranging from philosophy of ...
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    Preuves, fondements et certificats.Jacques Dubucs - 2003 - Philosophia Scientiae 7 (1):167-198.
    According to foundationalism, mathematical propositions form a complex objective structure we have to discover and in which each proposition depends for its truth on the propositions that precede and ground it. Proofs that only establish the truth of their conclusions are contrasted with proofs that give also the objective reason of that truth. Foundationalism claims that the cognitive resources required by these proofs are universally available. This paper tries to undermine that claim and to show that foundationalism is a dead (...)
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    Beth, Kant et l'intuition mathématique.Jacques Dubucs - 1998 - Philosophia Scientiae 3 (4):93-134.
    Beth has tried to vindicate the kantian doctrine of mathematical intuition in the frame of contemporary logic. The paper proposes a critical evaluation of this attempt. The theory of mathematical intuition that is exposed in the Critic of Pure Reason is twofold: on one hand, the intuition of the "first principles", as it is analyzed in the Aesthetics, on the other hand, the intuition which is involved in the proofs, as it is analyzed in the Methodology. Contrasting with most defenders (...)
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    Épistémologie du web.Jacques Dubucs - 2022 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 55 (3):47-71.
    Résumé. En trente ans, le rapport d’Internet à l’entreprise scientifique a changé. Nous sommes passés d’un instrument de collaboration scientifique à un dispositif de réseaux sociaux qui assure la plus large diffusion à l’irrationalisme et à l’alt-factualisme. Pour comprendre ce changement, il convient de réexaminer les mécanismes de la convergence des opinions. La première source de cette convergence est l’existence d’un monde commun, qui nous expose aux mêmes faits et qui détermine par révision successive des croyances de chacun, sans que (...)
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    Susana Nuccetelli (ed.), New essays on semantic externalism and self-knowledge.Jacques-Paul Dubucs - 2006 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 59 (2):366-368.
  8. On logical omniscience.Jacques Dubucs - 1991 - Logique Et Analyse 133 (133-140):41-55.
    Standard epistemic logic actually formalizes folk-psychology. The problem of logical omniscience shows that this logic is not adequate in a cognitivist setting. In order to describe realistic information-processing believers, we need both an ontology of particulars and a hyper-intensional taxonomy of representations. From this point of view, sub-structural logics, which do not overlook the syntaxic details of the processing of information, are an interesting alternative to possible worlds semantics.
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  9. Les arguments défaisables.Jacques Dubucs - 1995 - Hermes 15:271.
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    Réalisme et antimécanisme chez K. Gödel.Jacques Dubucs - 1986 - Dialectica 40 (4):297-308.
    RésuméSelon K. Gödel, les restrictions méthodologiques des constructivistes sont aberrantes, et le point de vue réaliste est beaucoup plus fécond: il est hi‐même parvenu à ses résultats logiques fondarnentaux en donnant une place à la notion de vérite, qui n'est pas de type combinatoire. Le premier théorème d'incomplétude est hi‐même un argument décisif en faveur du réalisme, si l'on accepte le principe d'«accessibilité» en vertu duquel nous pouvons décider de toutes les propriétés de nos constructions intellectuelles. Par ailleurs, il existe (...)
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    Inductive logic revisited.Jacques-Paul Dubucs - 1955 - In Anthony Eagle (ed.), Philosophy of Probability. Routledge. pp. 79--108.
  12. Feasibility In Logic.Jacques Dubucs - 2002 - Synthese 132 (3):213-237.
    The paper is a defense of a strict form of anti-realism, competing the "in principle" form defended by Michael Dummett. It proposes to ground anti-realism on the basis of two principles ("immanence" and "implicitness") and to develop the consequences of these principles in the light of sub-structural logics.
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  13. Logic, Act and Product.Jacques P. Dubucs & Wioletta Miśkiewicz - 2009 - In Giuseppe Primiero (ed.), Acts of Knowledge: History, Philosophy and Logic. College Publications.
    Logic and psychology overlap in judgment, inference and proof. The problems raised by this commonality are notoriously difficult, both from a historical and from a philosophical point of view. Sundholm has for a long time addressed these issues. His beautiful piece of work [A Century of Inference: 1837-1936] begins by summarizing the main difficulty in the usual provocative manner of the author: one can start, he says, by the act of knowledge to go to the object, as the Idealist does; (...)
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  14. On Bolzano’s Alleged Explicativism.Jacques Dubucs & Sandra Lapointe - 2006 - Synthese 150 (2):229-246.
    Bolzano was the first to establish an explicit distinction between the deductive methods that allow us to recognise the certainty of a given truth and those that provide its objective ground. His conception of the relation between what we, in this paper, call "subjective consequence", i.e., the relation from epistemic reason to consequence and "objective consequence", i.e., grounding however allows for an interpretation according to which Bolzano advocates an "explicativist" conception of proof: proofs par excellence are those that reflect the (...)
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    Logique, effectivité et faisabilité.Jacques Dubucs - 1997 - Dialogue 36 (1):45-.
    This paper can be read as an attempt at providing philosophical foundations to linear logic. The only plausible form of philosophical antirealism deals with practical feasibility rather than with effectivity in principle. The very notion of recognizability is ambiguous, audit has to be considered from a stricter perspective than currently done. The intuitionistic assertability conditions are to be reinforced. This change requires a move towards a frame in which the circumstances of the application of a logical rule can be specified. (...)
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  16. Calculer, percevoir et classer.Jacques Dubucs - 2002 - Archives de Philosophie 2 (2):335-355.
    Les sciences cognitives poursuivent un objectif fort ancien, qui consiste, sommairement dit, à décrire et à expliquer les comportements intelligents. Elles appliquent à cet effet des principes méthodologiques moins traditionnels, dont l'adoption définit ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler le "tournant cognitif". Je me propose ici d'exposer brièvement ces principes, de les illustrer par des exemples appropriés et d’en discuter la signification philosophique. Pour l’essentiel, j’ai mis en avant un domaine qui me semble particulièrement pertinent pour les philosophes: l'analyse de la (...)
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  17. Preuves par excellence.Jacques Dubucs & Sandra Lapointe - 2003 - Philosophiques 30 (1):219-234.
    Bolzano fut le premier philosophe à établir une distinction explicite entre les procédés déductifs qui nous permettent de parvenir à la certitude d’une vérité et ceux qui fournissent son fondement objectif. La conception que Bolzano se fait du rapport entre ce que nous appelons ici, d’une part, « conséquence subjective », à savoir la relation de raison à conséquence épistémique et, d’autre part, la « conséquence objective », c’est-à-dire la fondation , suggère toutefois que Bolzano défendait une conception « explicativiste (...)
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  18.  21
    Constructivity and Computability in Historical and Philosophical Perspective.Jacques Dubucs & Michel Bourdeau (eds.) - 2014 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Ranging from Alan Turing’s seminal 1936 paper to the latest work on Kolmogorov complexity and linear logic, this comprehensive new work clarifies the relationship between computability on the one hand and constructivity on the other. The authors argue that even though constructivists have largely shed Brouwer’s solipsistic attitude to logic, there remain points of disagreement to this day. Focusing on the growing pains computability experienced as it was forced to address the demands of rapidly expanding applications, the content maps the (...)
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    Epistemologia sieci. Konwergencja, współpraca, afiliacja.Jacques Dubucs - 2022 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 55 (3):21-45.
    W ciągu 30 lat dokonała się głęboka przemiana w relacji między Internetem a aktywnością naukową. Nastąpiło przesunięcie funkcji Internetu, który przestał być jedynie instrumentem współpracy akademickiej, a stał się również narzędziem używanym przez media społecznościowe, zezwalające na maksymalną dyfuzję irracjonalizmu i starego faktualizmu. Aby zrozumieć tę przemianę, należy ponownie zbadać mechanizmy zbieżności opinii. Wynika ona z istnienia wspólnego świata, który ukazuje nam te same fakty i determinuje nieustanną rewizję przekonań każdej osoby. W tym procesie asymptotycznej zbieżności opinii nie wymaga się (...)
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    LJE Brouwer: Topologie et constructivisme.Jacques-Paul Dubucs - 1988 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 41 (2):133-155.
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    Unfolding cognitive capacities.Jacques Dubucs - 2006 - In D. Andler, M. Okada & I. Watanabe (eds.), Reasoning and Cognition. pp. 95--101.
    As regards cognitive capacities, the point of view of classical Artificial Intelligence has been much challenged by the so-called emergentist point of view. This paper attempts to outline,on the basis of logical considerations dealing with practical feasibility, a general theory of incompressible unfolding that is consonant with an old Leibnizian stance rather with the contemporary theory of complexity. I defend a variant of emergentism according to which any process that leads to endow a system with cognitive capacities is such an (...)
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    Preface.Amirouche Moktefi & Stephen Read - 2011 - Philosophia Scientiae 15:1-5.
    This volume would not exist without the help of all those who contributed to the organisation of the MacColl centenary meeting (Boulogne-sur-Mer, 9--10 October 2009). We are especially grateful to Bruno Béthouart, Jacques Dubucs, Gerhard Heinzmann, and Shahid Rahman. We would also like to thank Michael Astroh, Sandrine Avril, Anny Bégard, Christian Berner, Pierre-Édouard Bour, Peggy Cardon, Emmanuelle Jablonsky, Christian Mac Coll, Tony Mann, Gildas Nzokou, Max Papyle, Bernard Quéh...
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    The Psychiatrist in the Courtroom: Selected Papers of Bernard L. Diamond, M. D.Jacques M. Quen (ed.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    Over the course of an illustrious career, the late Bernard Diamond established himself as the preeminent forensic psychiatrist of the century. _The Psychiatrist in the Courtroom_ brings together in a single volume Diamond's pivotal contributions to a variety of important issues, including the nature of diminished capacity, the fallacy of the impartial expert, the predictability of dangerousness, and the unacceptability of hypnotically facilitated memory in courtroom proceedings. Ably introduced and edited by Jacques M. Quen, M.D., a close colleague of (...)
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  24. Remarks on Pragmatism and Deconstruction.Jacques Derrida - 1996 - In Chantal Mouffe (ed.), Deconstruction and Pragmatism. New York: Routledge.
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  25. L'experience vécue de Simone Weil.Jacques Cabaud - 1957 - Paris: Plon.
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  26. Traces at Work from Different Places.Jacques Daignault - 2016 - In William F. Pinar & William M. Reynolds (eds.), Understanding curriculum as phenomenological and deconstructed text. Kingston, NY: Educators International Press.
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    Confessions.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Robert Niklaus - 2008 - Oxford Paperbacks.
    In his Confessions Jean-Jacques Rousseau tells the story of his life, from the formative experience of his humble childhood in Geneva, through the achievement of international fame as novelist and philosopher in Paris, to his wanderings as an exile, persecuted by governments and alienated from the world of modern civilization. In trying to explain who he was and how he came to be the object of others' admiration and abuse, Rousseau analyses with unique insight the relationship between an elusive (...)
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    36 Laws of Wrongdoing to Minority Shareholders in Unethical Companies.Jacques Cory - 2001 - In Chris Moon (ed.), Business ethics. London: Economist. pp. 233--236.
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  29. Chapter Thirteen'Another Insistence': Humanism And the Aporia Of Community Mina Karavanta & Nina Morgan.Jacques Derrida - 2008 - In Mina Karavanta & Nina Morgan (eds.), Edward Said and Jacques Derrida: reconstellating humanism and the global hybrid. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 324.
  30. Žival, ki torej sem.Jacques Derrida - 2011 - Problemi 1.
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    La lingüística de Rousseau.Jacques Derrida & Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1970 - Calden.
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  32. La Voix et le phénomène.Jacques Derrida - 1967 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
  33. Odgovor brez odgovora.Jacques Derrida - 2004 - Problemi 7.
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  34. Éperons les Styles de Nietzsche = Spurs : Nietzsche's Styles.Jacques Derrida & Stefano Agosti - 1976 - Corbo E Fiore Distributeur], Flammarion.
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    The Aesthetic Unconscious.Jacques Rancière - 2009 - Polity.
    This book is not concerned with the use of Freudian concepts for the interpretation of literary and artistic works. Rather, it is concerned with why this interpretation plays such an important role in demonstrating the contemporary relevance of psychoanalytic concepts. In order for Freud to use the Oedipus complex as a means for the interpretation of texts, it was necessary first of all for a particular notion of Oedipus, belonging to the Romantic reinvention of Greek antiquity, to have produced a (...)
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  36. Philosophical essays.Jacques Judah Cohen - 1937 - London,: J. Bale, sons & Curnow.
    Psycho-physical origins.-- Spatial nothingness.-- The origin of space.-- Moral facts and origins.-- Psycho-physical relationship.-- Morality and moral ideals.-- The economic solution.-- Principles of psychotherapy.
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  37. Histoire et absolu.Jacques Colette - 1972 - [Paris]: Desclée.
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  38. Le devant Dieu selon Kierkegaard. Crerche et croire.Jacques Collette - 2006 - In Luc Langlois & Yves Charles Zarka (eds.), Les philosophes et la question de Dieu. Paris: Presses universitaires de France. pp. 239--254.
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    Les lettres et la pensée.Jacques Colette - 2007 - Chatou: Transparence.
    Réflexion sur la philosophie et les lettres qui tente de répondre à la question : qu'est-ce que penser pour un homme dont l'expérience vécue est la source de l'écriture?
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    Activist business ethics.Jacques Cory - 2005 - New York: Springer.
    This book asks the question, how could we convince or compel modern business to apply ethical standards and is it essential to the success of economy? In order to answer the question, this book examines the evolution of the activist business ethics in business, in democracies, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, in philosophy, psychology and psychoanalysis. The book examines international aspects, the personification of stakeholders, the predominance of values and ethics for CEOs and the inefficient safeguards of the stakeholders’ interests.
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    Class Actions.Jacques Cory - 2001 - In Chris Moon (ed.), Business ethics. London: Economist. pp. 227--231.
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    Case Study of the Israeli Companies Erinsar and Soktow.Jacques Cory - 2001 - In Chris Moon (ed.), Business ethics. London: Economist. pp. 137--184.
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    Future Activist Vehicles-The Supervision Board.Jacques Cory - forthcoming - Activist Business Ethics.
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    Internet, Transparency, Activist Associations and Ethical Funds.Jacques Cory - forthcoming - Activist Business Ethics.
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    Psychological and Psychoanalytical Aspects.Jacques Cory - forthcoming - Activist Business Ethics.
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    The Methodological Approach of the Book.Jacques Cory - forthcoming - Activist Business Ethics.
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    Aisthesis: scenes from the aesthetic regime of art.Jacques Ranciere - 2013 - New York: Verso Books.
    Divided beauty (Dresden, 1764) -- Little gods of the street (Munich-Berlin, 1828) -- Plebeian heaven (Paris, 1830) -- The poet of the new world (Boston, 1841-New York, 1855) -- The gymnasts of the impossible (Paris, 1879) -- The dance of light (Paris, Folies Bergère, 1893) -- The immobile theatre (Paris 1894-95) -- Decorative art as social art: temple, house, factory (Paris-London-Berlin) -- Master of surfaces (Paris, 1902) -- The temple staircase (Moscow-Dresden, 1912) -- The machine and its shadow (Hollywood, 1916) (...)
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    Dire l'événement, est-ce possible?: Séminaire de Montréal, pour Jacques Derrida.Gad Soussana, Alexis Nuselovici & Jacques Derrida - unknown
    This book begins with Derrida's text, based on a lecture he gave in Montreal and is followed by two texts commenting on it. Derrida gives one of his most precise developments on the notion of 'l'événement' (event), that which comes to disturb the course of history and thus escapes the normal ways of being told and understood. His thought on the topic is crucial for future research on literature as testimony, refering to abnormal conditions of experience whose nature exceeds usual (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Philosophie des images, coll. « Thémis ».Jean-Jacques Wunenburger - 1999 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 189 (3):424-426.
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    Bulgarie= la difficile construction d'un système Partisan pluraliste.Jacques Capdevielle, Hcnri Rem & Anthony Tononov - 1994 - Cahiers Internationaux de «Sociologie 96.
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